Noah, An Example of Righteousness and Obedience



​Violence filled the world! Wicked, perverse and evil were the continual imaginations and thoughts of mankind.  The Lord was angry! He grieved and promised the destruction of mankind, and all other living creatures. “And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart” (Gen 6:6).  Furthermore, the Lord goes on to say, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them” (Gen 6:7). A dooms day message for certain! However, a message followed by a breath of hope for just one scripture away the writer declares, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen 6:8).

​Who was this man that stood out in the eyes of God, finding grace in the midst of an evil and perverse world?  As the rest of his generation partied, and performed evil acts and lived lascivious lifestyles, Noah was just and perfect and walked with God.  As corruption threatened to take over the entire known world, Noah and his family stood upright before God; not being swayed or molded by the sinfulness that surrounded them.  Noah kept his home in order and exemplified righteousness before his wife and children.  While the rest of the world was, “…marrying and given in marriage…” (Matt 24:38), Noah was true to his wife providing an example of faithfulness for his children.

Faithfully and obediently Noah accepted his calling to become the world’s first shipbuilder.   According to the exact specifications as instructed by the Lord, Noah began building the ark.  He worked diligently for 120 years, paying attention to every detail right down to the exact cubit of where to place the only window in the ark.  The result of his persistence and steadfastness was the creation of a magnificent sea-worthy vessel that would become the means of salvation for all life. Certainly this was a great feat; however Noah’s greatest accomplishment was his unwavering obedience and devotion to the Lord. Genesis 6:22 states “Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.” And the Lord made a covenant with Noah concerning his placement on board the ark. Noah believed the Lord and took heed to God’s proclamation that a flood was coming.  He is remembered in Second Peter 2:5 as a “preacher of righteousness;” taking the opportunity of this 120 year project to preach to the known world. Noah was invited into the ark along with his whole house because God said, “…for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation” (Gen 7:1).

Upon leaving the ark, Noah took immediate measures to properly prepare a sacrifice and worship the God who had shown him mercy and grace.  He built an altar and sacrificed burnt offerings of every clean animal and fowl.  The Lord accepted his offering and made a new covenant with mankind and all the earth promising to never again destroy them in this manner.

It is notable to realize that though Noah lived his life seeking the promises of God and standing uprightly and godly in a wicked and perverse generation, he was not without sin.  The only recorded sin committed by Noah is found in Genesis chapter 9.  Post-flood, Noah becomes a farmer and plants a vineyard.  He enjoys the wine from the vineyard and becomes drunk and passes out naked in his tent becoming an embarrassment to his sons.

​Noah, the chosen father of the post-flood generation, exemplified many quality characteristics.  Among the many, the most notable is his obedience to the Lord.  Noah was persistent, patient, and God-fearing.  He was not afraid to use the gifts given to him by God.   Noah was a father, husband, shipbuilder, zoo-keeper, peacemaker, worshipper, farmer, and leader.  He completed his calling to build an ark and went on to become known as a preacher of righteousness.  He was not without sin yet he found favor with God through his obedience and faithfulness.


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