Three Cups

Authors Tony Townsley and Mark St. Germain have cleverly put together a short story teaching children the dynamics of finances. This witty book should be on the shelves of every home with small children 5-8 years of age. The book is wonderfully illustrated and teaches the discipline of giving, saving, and spending.

The story centers on a young boy who receives three cups for his birthday.  His parents explain that they will begin giving him an allowance and will help him divide the allowance each week into each of the three cups; one for giving, one for saving, and one for spending.  The boy begins to understand the meaning giving and how it feels to help someone out.  Later his mom takes him to the bank to deposit the money he has saved where he learns about interest earned.  His spending money is eventually used to buy the baseball glove and a little something for his sister.

I would recommend this book to any parent.  It is never too early to begin teaching children finanical responsiblity.  This may be a good method for teaching some of our grown children too!


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