
Showing posts from 2011

Another Star-lite Morning

Pitch black sky, twinkling stars and crisp autumn air was what I experienced when I left my home at 5:30am. As I looked up and gazed at the Big Dipper, I wondered if the Lord allowed the stars to twinkle this morning just for me. Nocturnals would say they love the brilliant night skies, however I am a diurnal otherwise known as a lark, and I truly enjoy the brilliance of the morning sky. I embrace the freshness of the early morning hours. I am truly thankful that the Lord allows me to experience the brilliance of the shining morning stars. The scripture says that he (Jesus) is the "Bright and Morning Star!" (Rev. 22:16) As the sun rises in the East, He paints the sky with marvelous hues that are new each day. The beauty of each sunrise is unique. Every day is a new beginning; a new opportunity to grow closer to the Lord. Embrace life and look up. Is is possible that the bright and morning star that you see is Jesus?


Friday, November 11, 2011 I captured this picture of the moon following a dynamic prayer service during the "Call to War" conference at Antioch the Apostolic Church in Arnold, MD.    The sight of the shining moon was breath taking. Joanne

Three Cups

Authors Tony Townsley and Mark St. Germain have cleverly put together a short story teaching children the dynamics of finances. This witty book should be on the shelves of every home with small children 5-8 years of age. The book is wonderfully illustrated and teaches the discipline of giving, saving, and spending. The story centers on a young boy who receives three cups for his birthday.  His parents explain that they will begin giving him an allowance and will help him divide the allowance each week into each of the three cups; one for giving, one for saving, and one for spending.  The boy begins to understand the meaning giving and how it feels to help someone out.  Later his mom takes him to the bank to deposit the money he has saved where he learns about interest earned.  His spending money is eventually used to buy the baseball glove and a little something for his sister. I would recommend this book to any parent.  It is never too e...

Gabby, God's Little Angel

Gabby, God's Little Angel - eBook, is a precious story that shows how much God loves His children. Gabby, God's angel in training, accepts her assignment to watch over a little girl named Sophie. Sophie, the typical active little girl, likes to frolic and play and soon becomes a challenge for the unexperienced Gabby. In the end, Gabby accomplishes her mission and keeps Sophie from falling off of her pony. The story reinforces Psalm 91, reminding the reader that God will "...put his angels in charge over you."   The e-book is easy to read and the pictures are cute and colorful. I loved the different fonts, especially the large, bold fonts that caught our attention that the message was important. My 6 year old loves technology and is rewarded by being able to use the I-Pad. This little e-book fits, and I would recommend it for any child who likes computers.

When In Doubt - Thow It Out!

While visiting my aging mother, I opened the refrigerator for a drink and could not believe my eyes. Moldy cheese, shriveled potatos, fermented juice. You get the picture. To my amazement, she became very agitated when I suggested cleaning out the refrigerator and throwing out all of the out dated items. It concerned me that she may be consuming food that was spoiled. Expiration dates are placed on products to preserve good heath. When the Israelites were fed by mana from heaven, they were instructed to gather the mana daily. Each family was to gather only the amount necessary to provide food for one day, the exception being the day previous to the Sabbath. On that day they were instructed to collect a portion to provide for two days. Like many of us, the warning was not heeded by all and the mana that was left until morning grew worms and stank (Exodus 16:19-20). God had placed an expiration date on mana! Frugal living. Just the sound of that simple phrase brings an unco...

For Every Mountain

Gina McCool leads the Pentecostals of Alexandria in a song of worship

Revelation Song - The Pentecostals of Alexandria


Meet Nate!

Have you met my newest grandson?  Introducing Nathaniel Reid Mitchell.  Nate was born on June 16th.  Beckie and  Ron now have 2 sons!  Add Kelsie and Sammy and you understand why they had to buy a mini-van!  God has truly blessed.               Elijah is now a big brother!

What Color Would Your Tongue Be?

Wondering......... Snow cones are a sure sign that summer has arrived!  My favorite flavor is egg custard.  I guess my tongue would turn orange.  Do you choose your flavor by color or taste? 

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson What an amazing declaration! More than a year after the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War in 1775, the Continental Congress adopted the United States Declaration of Independence which was a formal declaration explaining why our original 13 colonies should be independent from the rule of Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 representatives from 13 colonies uniting together for the common cause; turning their vision of freedom into reality. Proclaiming independence from Great Britain and their union to each other, the thirteen colonies became thirteen independent states united together as one nation, now separated from the law and taxes of Great Britain. The Bible teaches the truth of Thomas Jefferson's pr...

Seasons of Life

Alas, mid-March.  The lion has entered with a loud roar; the lamb is making his way to a more surreal season. New life blossoms and familiar sounds of baby birds and the crack of the bat are sure signs that a new season has spung.  Seasons come and seasons go.  Life is full of change.  Just as sure as the continual motion of time, life's changes are steady and many times unpredictable.  Solomon penned his explaination of the seasons of life in Ecclesiastes 3: 1 There is a time for everything,    and a season for every activity under the heavens:   2 a time to be born and a time to die,    a time to plant and a time to uproot,   3 a time to kill and a time to heal,    a time to tear down and a time to build,   4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,    a time to mourn and a time to dance,   5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,    a ti...

The Newest Addition

Introducing Gabriella Neveah!  The newest addition to our family.  This is my third grandchild and there is another on the way.  Each one is special in their own way.  A true gift from God; each with their own personality and giftings.  I am truly blessed!

New Year - New Beginning

Tick-toc, tick-toc the clock continues to move life forward. Life is full of bells and whistles, alarms and horns.  We have been programmed to believe what they say!  The alarm on our clock sounds and we rise from our slumber.  The red engine light comes on and we seek a mechanic.  The lunch bell rings and we head to the cafeteria.  A fog horn blasts and the ship turns away from land. This year, let us put aside all of the bells and whistles, horns and alarms and seek out the voice of the Lord himself.  Alarm clocks may malfunction and the batteries may wear out on our horns and whistles, but the Lord in sovereign,  He is always present, waiting for you to listen.  Slow down a little and seek the Lord.  He may not blow a loud horn to get your attention, but listen for the still, small voice.  He will never steer you wrong.