When In Doubt - Thow It Out!

While visiting my aging mother, I opened the refrigerator for a drink and could not believe my eyes. Moldy cheese, shriveled potatos, fermented juice. You get the picture. To my amazement, she became very agitated when I suggested cleaning out the refrigerator and throwing out all of the out dated items. It concerned me that she may be consuming food that was spoiled. Expiration dates are placed on products to preserve good heath. When the Israelites were fed by mana from heaven, they were instructed to gather the mana daily. Each family was to gather only the amount necessary to provide food for one day, the exception being the day previous to the Sabbath. On that day they were instructed to collect a portion to provide for two days. Like many of us, the warning was not heeded by all and the mana that was left until morning grew worms and stank (Exodus 16:19-20). God had placed an expiration date on mana! Frugal living. Just the sound of that simple phrase brings an unco...