New Year - New Beginning

Tick-toc, tick-toc the clock continues to move life forward. Life is full of bells and whistles, alarms and horns. We have been programmed to believe what they say! The alarm on our clock sounds and we rise from our slumber. The red engine light comes on and we seek a mechanic. The lunch bell rings and we head to the cafeteria. A fog horn blasts and the ship turns away from land. This year, let us put aside all of the bells and whistles, horns and alarms and seek out the voice of the Lord himself. Alarm clocks may malfunction and the batteries may wear out on our horns and whistles, but the Lord in sovereign, He is always present, waiting for you to listen. Slow down a little and seek the Lord. He may not blow a loud horn to get your attention, but listen for the still, small voice. He will never steer you wrong.